About Joondalup Massage

Massage Therapy | Chiropractic | Naturopathy

Your Local Remedial and Myofascial Release Therapists

Joondalup Massage is invested in helping you reduce stress and reduce pain, decrease your recovery time and improve your overall health and well-being through various massage techniques.

Myofascial therapy involves sustained, gentle pressure on your muscles to relieve stress or tension built up within the skeletal muscle fibres. This treatment can promote improvements in, not only muscle soreness or injury, but surrounding areas like joints or the nervous system. Myofascial therapy techniques primarily involve moving, holding and applying key amounts of pressure to the affected areas based on your individual requirements or needs.

The therapist will feel for tightness or restrictions in various directions along the muscle for any signs of pain or dysfunction, followed by an assessment that suits you.

Joondalup Massage, Sports Rehabilitation Massage Perth
Massage Cupping Joondalup

Focusing on Your Wellness

Working alongside healthcare professionals such as Chiropractors and Naturopaths to improve your body as a whole.

Your quality of life is a high priority in assessing your overall health and well-being. As we are only now becoming aware of how much stress negatively impacts our lives. It is a health practitioner’s job to help guide, improve and maintain your health. Massage therapy can help with a variety of afflictions including;

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Increased Pain
  • Quality of Sleep
  • Bad Circulation
  • Cramping
  • Fluid Retention

Your sense of wellness is important and Joondalup Massage utilizes many modalities to ensure your individual needs are met.

Working collaboratively with local healthcare professionals to improve your health and mind.

Amelia, Joondalup Massage Therapist


My name is Amelia, and I am a remedial massage therapist at Joondalup Massage.

I’ve been a massage therapist for over 10 years and began my journey of wellbeing and health in a spa-based environment.

After incurring a spinal injury and going through the rehabilitative process I was amazed at my results, and I decided to upskill and move my focus on to remedial techniques and rehabilitative support services for my clients.

I have a few interests of specialty such as injury rehabilitative support with the inclusion of cupping and sports taping. I am credited in Pregnancy Massage and various methods of Therapeutic massage for relaxation.

Always looking to upskill and increase my knowledge base so that I may provide the best possible service to my clients and support their individual needs.

I work closely with the other Allied health professionals in our clinic at Belridge Chiro.  Here we have a joint holistic approach between the Remedial therapists, Chiropractors and Naturopath to aid our clients in their health endeavours.

Lucas, Joondalup Massage Therapist


Hello, my name is Lucas, and I am your German remedial massage therapist here at Joondalup Massage.

I am fascinated by the human body’s movement, developments, adaptations, and resilience, I take a great interest in the science behind rehabilitation through my massage skills and physical therapy. Hence, I’m about to complete my Exercise Science Degree and then pursue my Masters in Physiotherapy in 2025.

Having worked as a Sports Trainer for various AFL clubs, I am familiar with Sports Taping, Sports Massage, and various clinical presentations affecting everyday people.

My latest fitness project is becoming an Ironman in 2024! So watch this space!

I stay current with the latest research on rehabilitation and lifting protocols, combining that with my own anecdotal evidence to provide my clients with the best possible service, both on and off the massage table. My focus is on rehabilitation to restore movement patterns and gain strength and mobility to improve your everyday life.

Sharing a space with Chiropractors in our Belridge clinic has made Joondalup Massage the place to come as you will be surrounded by a wealth of knowledge and information to help regain health and wellbeing.

Candice, Joondalup Massage Therapist


Hi my name is Candice and I am a qualified remedial massage therapist for Joondalup Massage.

My passion for muscles and the human anatomy extends beyond the profession, which is evident in my commitment to fitness. I enjoyed years of gym training which saw me compete in body building (sports division) competitions in 2015 and 2016. And to this day I have continued to love the gym and what it can help you achieve.

With a background in sports like netball, Oztag, and touch, my understanding of physical well-being is holistic. Eager to stay at the forefront, I am constantly exploring and embracing new massage techniques to enhance my skills and provide optimal care to my clients.

I see clients who are in rehab from an injury or operation to regular clients who find massage has aided them in everyday life, reducing inflammation, breaking down tension and built up muscle strain.

I am here to help you feel better and improve everyday movement and function through massage

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